....my daughter is a "mess."
Monday night Abby and I talked Daddy into going to Kroger with us. :) (Yay for me - i get help watching Abby while I shopped). Abby had on a pull up instead of her big girl panties - just in case - (she's been having more accidents lately for some reason) - but we got home, I put up the groceries and Ben took some to his mom's house (so I wouldn't have to drop them off the next day when I took Abby) - so I start making Abby's bath water - and go to get her - she's sitting on the couch and when I walk in the room, she says: "UH Oh, Mommy, I tee-teed." She got off the couch and I said it's okay - (the pullup) - and she's walking as if her legs are soaking wet - kind of like she just got off a horse - but anyways, she takes a bath - Ben comes home while she's still playing in the tub - he's on the phone and sitting on the couch. Abby gets out of the tub and on the way to her room, she see's Ben sitting on the couch, and says: "Uh, Daddy, I tee-teed there! I pottied on the couch!" Ben looked up at me kind of funny, I just smiled and kept walking - Abby keeps telling us she had tee-teed on the couch on the way to her room. Ben asked me if it was wet or something, I just laughed and said No, because she had had a pull-up on - It's just funny, the things she is saying these days! It's something new EVERYDAY! Oh, but I love it.
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